Othania er stolte af at annoncere, at vores fond Investin Othania Etisk Formuevækst KL har vundet Best Global Macro Emerging Manager ved den 20ende udgave af Hedge Funds Review European Awards 2020.
Hedge Funds Review European Performance Awards 2020 anerkender de bedste hedgefonde i Europa. Vinderne udvælges via af en kombineret kvantitativ og kvalitativ analyse. Vores investeringsforening Investin Othania Etisk Formuevækst KL vandt kategorien efter en jury havde vurderet både kvalitativt på strategien og kvantitativt på performance, risikojusterede afkast, drawdown-beskyttelse mm.
Othanias investeringsdirektør Vincent Dilling-Larsen udtaler; “Det er en kæmpe ære at vinde en HedgeFundReview Award. Det er endnu en bekræftelse og blåstempling af vores systematiske og 100% modeldrevet tilgang til investering.”
Investin Othania Etisk Formuevækst KL leverede i 2019 et afkast på 17,59% og en Sharpe Ratio på 1,48.
HedgeFundReview skriver om Award’en:
This year Hedge Funds Review is celebrating the 20th year of its prestigious hedge fund awards. Being recognised at the Hedge Funds Review European Performance Awards 2020 is the high point of any single manager or fund of hedge funds operating in Europe. The awards are recognised as the most respected for the European hedge fund industry.
The reputation of Hedge Funds Review for fair and unbiased reporting extends to the European Performance Awards. The awards attract the top names from the industry and recognise true performance, skill and expertise as well as outstanding individuals.
The hedge fund investment process relies on more than just numbers. Our judging process recognises this. Expert judging panels review the risk and return characteristics of each entry and then make a decision after vigorous discussion, taking into account qualitative factors and drawing on the experience and knowledge of each judge to agree winners in each category.
The judging panels, chaired by Hedge Funds Review awards editor Margie Lindsay, are impartial and unbiased. The awards reward genuine performance, quality and skill.
Du kan læse mere om Award’en her på https://www.hedgefundsreviewawards.com/ og her twitter.com/Alpha_Journal/status/1276266478833152000/photo/1.